Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!


 My blog and now face-to-face friend Dawn of Tales of the Motherland,, gave me the Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award and it’s my turn to pay it forward. I’ve been granted a few other awards from other bloggers  and have begun graciously declining offers to participate. They take  a lot of time to do  and I think everything there is to know about me is written in my posts. That said, since I just met Dawn,  and in the spirit of the season, I’m passing the award on to some bloggers I haven’t honored in the past.

They include:

My mother.  I helped her get her blog started and continue to assist with posting and photos. It has been so gratifying to see how writing has helped her forget some of her physical ailments and keeps her brain ticking. Check her out for some amazing stories about her 60 year marriage to my father, life in the 1950’s, and more.

Diana, and Louise  blog from Calgary.  Two fun ladies offering wisdom, warmth, and wit.

I met Judy when we were both walking home from yoga and were waiting for the light to change so we could cross the street. We started chatting and have become close friends. She’s a doctor and shares stories about medicine and growing up in Alabama.

Miriam and Marsha write from southern California.  Miriam is a grandmother and advises on how to have a good relationship with your in-law children and other family matters. Marsha is a retired history teacher and reviewed my book, On the Trail of the Ancestors. She’s up to some crazy antics, including writing a novel.

Hugmamma is Hawaiian and writes about many facets of life, including her ballerina daughter.

Ronnie is another blogger I’ve met because she lives in a nearby town. I enjoy her musings.

So ladies, the award carries a caveat, that you can choose to follow or not. In addition to passing the award on to others, you’re asked to  do the following:

Provide a link and thank the person who nominated you. (that would be me; I’ll accept your gratitude in advance.).  Provide links to your nominated blogs and kindly let the recipient know they have been nominated.

Answer these 10 questions:

1.What is your favorite color?
2. What is your favorite animal?
3. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?
4. Facebook, Twitter or both?
5.What is your favorite pattern?
6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents?
7. What is your favorite number?
8.What is your favorite day of the week?
9. What is your favorite flower?
10. What is your passion?

Be sure to check out these blogs! Happy Reading!

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13 Responses to Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award!

  1. Well played, and gracious of you! 🙂


  2. Great post! Great that you nominated Mom! I second the motion!


  3. Drjcwash says:

    Thank-you for the award. I will pay it forward. I am so happy I stopped to talk to you that day.


  4. Pingback: Sisterhood of the World Bloggers Award | A Family Doctor's Reflection

  5. I love your mom’s blog! Lisa thank you for nominating my blog. I am honoured.


  6. Miriam says:

    Wow!! I’m so touched…. Thank you. I’ve always been in awe of people who are on these lists..and now there I am. What a surprise. Thanks, Lisa for the mention. I’m going to pay it forward. Great idea and creative prompt for all of us.


  7. Pingback: Grand Central Station Craft Fair | cyclingrandma

  8. Here’s my mother’s responses to the questions:
    Answer these 10 questions:

    1.What is your favorite color? Brown. We’re always looking for the brown envelope with the sweepstake check.
    2. What is your favorite animal? What else? Chicken!
    3. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink? Water. Also pronounced, vorda, vasser,agua, eau
    .4. Facebook, Twitter or both? Neither. bestofbarbara
    5.What is your favorite pattern? Paisley. Love all of the paramecium.
    6. Do you prefer getting or giving presents? Giving presents. let the other person worry about exchanging things he/she doesn’t like.
    7. What is your favorite number? 12. 12 months between filing tax returns.
    8.What is your favorite day of the week? TGIF
    9. What is your favorite flower? Tiiger Lillies
    10. What is your passion? Martin

    Well done, mom!


  9. Pingback: My 300th Post: 2013 Highlights | cyclingrandma

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