Bob Dylan & Harper Lee: Forever Young

One usually doesn’t include Bob Dylan and Harper Lee in the same sentence. This week, however, the two icons made news, capturing the attention of fans and pundits.

First, Dylan, 73,200-06-bob-dylan-cover-dylan-portrait.imgcache.rev1421441931112.web released his latest album, Shadows in the Night,61iSFAXmvDL._SX355_  a collection of songs from the 1940’s and 50’s, many made popular by Frank Sinatra. He granted one interview, an exclusive to  the AARP.  That alone sent traditional media outlets into a frenzy; then they dissected the album, intrigued with the crossing of genres and different style.

I, too, was curious and picked up the cd at my local record store and listened to it on my way to see the grands this week. The songs are pleasant; hearing his gravely rendition of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s “Some Enchanted Evening” surprised me with its pathos and yearning. I guess that reflects the songs of the time period.

For me, Dylan will always be the 1960’s folk singer/songwriter famous for “Blowin in the Wind”  and other ballads of the time. Yet,  I admire how he took risks with his art.

Then there’s 88-year-old Harper Lee.  images For decades, she’s claimed she wrote only one novel: the 1960, Pulitzer Prize winning, worldwide sensation, To Kill A Mockingbird. In fact she wrote another book first, Go Set a Watchman, Unknown which was rejected by publishers until now. It brings an adult Scout Finch back to Maycomb, Alabama.

The book won’t come out until July; pre-orders on Amazon have already vaulted the book into a best seller. Naysayers say leave well enough alone; that nothing can be as good.

Personally, I can’t wait to re-enter Scout‘s world. Whatever Lee did with it, will be fine by me.

May Lee and Dylan keep creating; may they remain Forever Young.





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14 Responses to Bob Dylan & Harper Lee: Forever Young

  1. susanissima says:

    Oh, you have me weeping at Dylan’s touching “Forever Young,” Lisa. What a perfect celebration of our elder folk cantor’s ability to grab hold of our hearts. Did you know that he also created the cover art? Wonder why Lee’s novel wasn’t published until now? Was is really just rejected?


  2. So they’re saying. We saw an exhibit of Dylan’s iron sculpture in London a few years ago– just happened to walk by the gallery– fantastic. So talented.


  3. This is exciting news. When I heard about the found manuscript I felt a rush of excitement, Read about Dylan this morning when I had a few minutes to read the NYT.


  4. The news about Harper Lee’s upcoming new book is extremely exciting. I see a movie in the making….hmmm. Re Bob Dylan’s new album, I didn’t know about that…interesting!


  5. Lisa, I read about many writers and how hard it is to wait for responses to their inquiries to get their works published here in the blogosphere, but yowza – imagine waiting as long as Lee to get your book published! ❤
    Diana xo


  6. Lisa, I found both of these news items fascinating, as well. Such amazing news from two icons! I’m not nearly as interested in Bob Dylan’s new song says I am in Harper Lee’s new book, though I can understand some people who suggests that we should leave well enough alone – ultimately I’m very curious! Like Susan, I have to wonder how no one figured out that Harper Lee had a book before now.


  7. I think she had it and maybe didn’t want to publish it or no one was interested? Who knows. She’s 88 — maybe she decided it was time!


  8. Coming East says:

    You make me want to get Dylan’s cd for myself. As for Harper Lee’s announcement, I am thrilled, too. I taught To Kill a Mockingbird for many years, and it has been a favorite of mine.


  9. J. Austin says:

    Surely someone other than me has noticed that the title of Lee’s book and the lyrics of Dylan’s All along the Watchtower’ are sourced in the same verse of Isaiah (21:6)?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I didn’t. Others may have. Thanks for sharing this insight.


  11. Pingback: Weighing in on “Watchman” | cyclingrandma

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